The title says I was away seven days, but I think it actually was more like nine. Besides that, I've realised all my photos have uploaded in the opposite of intended order. Fantastic.
So In backwards chronological order, this is what I've been working on from tonight through last Thursday.
I stayed at studio looong past when I should have gone home on account of making this new hook. It's a 2mm, which means the wee end bit is only 2mm wide. Actually, it's so small that before I could sand it it broke off the lathe, so the end was finished by hand.
Before that, I wired up my lamp to see what lovely colours it would produce. This is not actually the colour produced. Seems my camera has a difficulty with ultra violet. So actually it's ridiculously purple. Imagine that...
Even before I could do that I had to solder things. Very tiny things. So I kludged this 20 gauge wire onto the tip of my soldering iron and it worked so well, that I dare say my solder spots looked nicer than the ones done by an EE with a proper tip. I will assume this is due to my wire tip being smaller than the real tip, not from any failings of said EE (thank you dad!)
Lookit! Circuit boards came in the mail. Here is what I assume the inside of my eyewear pieces will roughly look like. For an idea of scale, the board up top is about 2cm wide on the short side.
Before I could set up my mock up I had to turn those rings on the lathe. Amazing what a proper cutting bit will do (The job. That's what it'll do). I've got holes drilled in them for riveting and the escape for the wiring. Actually, these have since been anodised, but the blue is so deep and dark that it is a void of light and therefore also void of anything interesting to see.
Monday I recieved a birthday package from my friend Sarah, containing an art nouveau book and also two sketchbooks. This here is the wee one after I'd properly covered it in book papers. Of course the colours are off.
And firstly, here are the spoils of my birthday trip to American Science & Surplus. Best store EVAR. Not pictured is a glorious set of 12 files. I later made a case for these and my other files out of the leather pictured. The vials are now carefully labeled and filled with resistors, the bottles full of LEDs and switches. All else has been added to my estimable collections in studio.