Friday, April 29, 2011

WHY DO I HAVE TO KEEP WORKING ON THIS???!!?!??!!? Everything keeps breaking in new horrible ways. There is already soooo much glue, and it all looks weird, and now my rivets are wobbly and nothing will stay together. I am so ashamed of this project. I want to be done.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Forbice Fallimento

 Yellow bronze turned to graphite!

 I covered carefully cut foamcore with a really fine weave bookcloth. The whole thing took me 6 hours, which was far more than I was okay with.
 Especially since the top layer got bubbly!! WTF! I glued it down with book glue and everything. I'm hoping a spritz with water and some pressure will smooth it out.
 Also look how wrong things got. :(
After a good talk with Frankie I started grinding out the fail and filling it with more wood. I think this must be what dentistry is like. "Well this is all bad.... I'm gonna grind it all out, fill it with some stuff, then grind again, mmmmkay?"

Uno Giorno...

Some people have awesome jobs.
One day I'll be one of them.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Progetto: 365

I'm going to start a 365 photo project on May 21st (graduation day). I'll be following the strict rules- a photo EVERY day, so I'll end May 21, 2012. My photos will either be artfully framed (as opposed to the crap I post here that're just all "heylookit!") documentation of my projects, or projects in themselves. I'll probably have my 365 on flickr, and I'll still be doing 10ish posts a month on here as well. The idea is to document my life for the first year after college graduation, and also to ensure I keep making things at the appropriate feverish pace. 
Also to get better at photo.

Oh, look! Here's a photo now- sloppily edited,  but I think it's cool. I have plans for scissor-related photos once they're finished. Stay tuned for more details.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Firma Bollo

20 minutes of work with an exacto and I never have to sign flat work again. Win!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011

Stato di Rettifica

 Grinding makeup!

 Also- the Niche magazine came! Check it out!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Plasma e le Stampe

I set up my camera to take pictures of me while I plasma cut, and about 20 of 'em made a cool flip book. I managed to make a gif of them, but unfortunately I can't seem to load the damn thing. So you just get a still for now.

Next I'll have to make friends with an angle grinder to get the melty crap off the surfaces. No idea how I'm gonna clean up the inside edges though, even if I was able to file right now, I don't have any for steel.
Beginings of my litho print project. I was dumb and started with the dark brown, which should have been last. I did the red tonight too, but they're under a board drying. Most of them registered tolerably well, but they're kinda smudgy. I think I'm gonna do the blue before the show tomorrow, we'll see how that goes.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fuoco la Dinamo!

Lathe is the only thing that doesn't cause me injury. Must turn all things...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fisica a Quella Digitale e Viceversa

Had to do a TON of 'shopping to get my pencil-n-tracing paper drawing into the proper files for my next print project. Sort of ridiculous to do all that digital work so I can do a lot of material stuff.  I really want to do the quad colour scheme, but it's a lot of work even to do two, so I'm not sure.

It doesn't look bad in three, but knowing me, I'll probably try to do the quad anyway.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Non Dovrebbe Avere Promesso di Anodizzazione a Tarda Notte...

Because I got the colour scheme flipped.... Oh dear.